Monday, December 21, 2009

What is the best cream to get for wrinkles?uk?

I am 30 and like iam starting to get lines around my eyes!! HELP!!

i do not want botox,there has to be some cream where you would notice a difference.

thanksWhat is the best cream to get for wrinkles?uk?
There are tons of recipes on the Internet and in popular teen magazines, but here are some simple ones I like:

Avocado Facial Mask Recipe

This is quite simple recipe. Just open a medium sized avocado, throw away the pulp and shell. Mash the avocado in a small bowl, until the texture is creamy. Massage into face and neck, leave on for fifteen minutes and then rinse. Beautiful!

Apple Zinger Facial Mask Recipe (for the oily and/or acne prone skin)

Grate one medium sized apple very finely, and then pour 5 tbsp of honey into a bowl. Mix well. Spread over skin, and let sit for about ten minutes. Rinse with cool water.

Banana Wrinkle Fighter Recipe

You may not know it, but banana is a wonderful anti-wrinkle product. Mash 1/4 banana until creamy smooth. Spread over face and leave on for fifteen to twenty minutes before rinsing off with warm water.

Carrot Facial Mask Recipe

Cook 2 to 3 large carrots until soft, then mash in a small bowl. Add 4 tbsp honey. Smooth over skin, wait for ten minutes and then rinse off with cool water.

Egg, Avocado %26amp; Mud Facial Mask Recipe (my favorite!)

You can purchase powdered clay at most health food stores. Mix 1 tbsp dry clay with 1 egg yolk, 1/4 mashed up avocado, and a bit of hazel to create a soft textured mixture. Spread over face, leave on until dries and then rinse off with warm water.

Egg %26amp; Honey Mask Recipe

In a small bowl, mix 1 tbsp honey, 1 egg yolk, 脗陆 tsp almond oil, and 1 tbsp yogurt together. Once smooth, spread over face, leave on for ten minutes and then rinse off with warm water. You will find your skin feeling tighter and younger.

Egg Whites Facial Mask Recipe

Simply beat one egg white until frothy and then spread on face. Leave on for fifteen minutes and then rise with warm water. Your face will feel tighter.

Egg Yolk Facial Mask Recipe

Just as simple as the egg whites facial mask, stir up one egg yolk and then apply onto face. Leave on for thirty minutes, then rinse with warm water. This recipe combats blemishes quite well.

Honey Mask Recipe

This is quite a simple recipe. Wash your face with warm water to open up the pores, and then smear on honey. Leave on for fifteen to thirty minutes, and then rinse off with warm water.

this will soothe your skin %26amp; make it very soft.

mix together plain yogurt, egg yolk and honey.

two tablespoons of yogurt, one egg yolk and one tablespoon of honey.

apply to clean skin.

let dry for about 15 minutes...

rinse well with warm water.

( you can store it in the fridge for about 2 days)

or..try this one:

one teaspoon of powdered milk, one tablespoon of ground almonds, one tablespoon of honey, one teaspoon of aloe vera gel.

10-15 minutes on face.

( can store in fridge for a week)

鈥?Honey for Best Facial

The best facial mask that i have found is honey. Use warm cloth to open pores, smear on honey, leave on 15 to 30 minutes, rinse off with warm water, and then use cold water to close pores. Use for 3 days in a row and then once a week. Sometimes I mix a little gound oatmeal with the honey, which makes a great mask.


Facial Feels Good

One my daughter and I had fun with and found to have a cleansing and softening effect was to mix regular clean kitty litter, the clay kind, with water and strain out the grit. It really felt good.


Exfoliating Mask

For an easy exfoliating mask, mix three tablespoons olive oil or any good oil and one tablespoon kosher salt mix and gently rub into dry skin. Do not use around eye area. This works great on elbows and feet, but it can also be used on cheeks and forehead

Donna R.

Egg Whites

I use egg whites. Just beat one egg white until it is frothy. Spread it all over your face. Wait until it dries. Rinse it off. My face feels very clean and ';tight'; after this application. And then I use the yolk for cooking.( I have yet to have found a use for the shell)


Egg Yolk

The best homemade facial mask that I have used is a raw egg yolk. just apply the raw yolk to your face and neck for 30 minutes and rinse with cool water. Egg yolks are high in vitamin A. The mask is very effective in healing blemishes.


Match Mask to Your Skin Type

For trouble-prone skin, mix oatmeal with water to form a paste.

For normal to oily skin, use an egg white.

For dry skin, use an egg yolk.

In all cases, spread mixture on face and allow to dry. Rinse thoroughly with cool water.

For oily skin, witch hazel makes an inexpensive toner.

For dry skin, you may want to add moisturizer while skin is still damp.



The cheapest and best facial mask I have ever come up with is oatmeal processed to a powder in the blender and either skim milk or if you are trying to fade spots lemon juice. Really works well for me and I have dry skin.


More Facial Maks Choices

The kind of the mask you want to use depends on your skin type.

For dry skin, try:

* an egg yolk mixed with olive oil and warmed honey

* sour What is the best cream to get for wrinkles?uk?
La Prairie is good but VERY expensiveso it depends how much you want to spend. You can get new bottles on ebay at much cheaper prices and you can try testers just to make sure you like the product before you spend so much on a full bottle

If you want something cheaper I like Olay :D
around the eye? you have to be really careful because the skin is already weak. Get a decent eye cream and apply it day and night. You do not need too much - a blob about the size of a grain of rice (too much under eye can cause puffiness akin to bags under the eyes.

don't just do under but rub in a little into the lids too - apparently if you don't the difference if visible.

Also when you put the eye cream on use your ring finger to apply it - it will prevent you being heavy handed and dragging the skin.

I'd get some under eye patches too, so far my favourites are by Spa Sciences and are called the Transdermal Collagen Retinal eye patch therapy. Basically wrinkles are exacerbated by being in drying conditions and you can prolong them from occuring by moisturising
Clarins Instant lift is good. It lifts lines and closes pores. Put it on before you apply make-up. They also do beauty flash balm which tightens skin.
Welcome to the wrinkly world ! lol.

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