Monday, December 21, 2009

What is the best men cream that will brighten up and remove wrinkles?

Men Cream. Please no website url or advertisement....that will not help me.What is the best men cream that will brighten up and remove wrinkles?
**Many, if not most, anti aging creams, cleansers, moisturizers, skin products are skin harming ,skin aging cause severe irritation, even cause acne and worse. Some have been pulled from market, notably in France, because of cancer causing scares.(confirm with a Google)

I have had truly remarkable success diminishing forehead lines, crows feet, under eye and laugh lines by special massaging using completely safe, low cost, essential oils. Olive, almond and jojoba are excellent. Rubbing on the lines over and over greatly reduces them and helps prevent others forming. Forehead: Use front of fingers held together and, starting from one side of forehead, do a series of short forward and back strokes - about 5 or 6 - blending one into the next all the way to the other side. For best, quickest results, do quite vigorously for a minute or more. Crows Feet: Can be very quickly greatly minimized by rubbing up and down on them quite vigorously with first three fingers held close together. Laugh lines: Using finger tips to massage vigorously directly along the length of the line with finger tips (first tighten skin there by partially opening mouth and pulling lips firmly back against teeth). Even deep lines can be greatly diminished. For faster results do 2 or 3 times or a day. See clear fading of lines in one to three weeks - depending on how often and how vigorous you have have made it.

Massage entire face and it will feed skin vital nourishing nutrients. Even the first day skin will tighten, look and feel firmer, fresher and revitalized and develop a healthy glow. If do daily will quickly rid face of any blemishes, correct any sagging and other aging signs. Has greatly helped many to rejuvenate face. Oils are perfect, safe moisturizers. You will never need any other, Oils absorb quickly into skin. Do not wash off - splash with water and tissue dry. See my many other answers - wrinkles, lines, sagging, anti aging, rejuvenation, etc.and more detailed info on how best to massage. I have testimonials from happy users who vouch for it's effectiveness.

SOURCE(S): 20 + years research - safe, natural treatments/cures for skin conditions, skin enhancement and anti aging and rejuvenation treatments..What is the best men cream that will brighten up and remove wrinkles?
i'm not sure about a men's creme.. i would go to sephora or a department store and ask a professional.. sorry. :o/
once again. i dont not know yet am compelled to answer
i don';t know

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